blancmange |
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are the ONLY race"
Chris: Addendum; First and foremost - Connell and I have traded rantspace, and he is now the proud owner of my 30th comic's lower rant. I must insist you all read it. Otherwise he'll get all War and Peace on your arse. You've all been warned. Secondly I finally managed to make new banners. I am so very sorry for the sub-par one I created some time ago. I'm certain all it did was scare small children and prespective readers away. These banners aren't so horrible (aren't I nice? I made several). Finally, all of this September 11th biz really got to me for a while - which is why the site hasn't been updated. There are more than a few things that erk me about the whole mess, but I'm not about to get into it. People died. People continue to die; it isn't good. Leave it at that. Now for the rant. Other than a lost sense of perspective, a loss of AUS$350, and a less than satisfied feeling all over - nothing else remains but loathful memories of the Royal Adelaide Show. While I was working there, (the HUGE 3 of 9 days,) nothing really happened at all. I was planning on numbering the amounts of times I did things in a comical fashion, but not enough things actually happened to allow this. Sure, my back suffered from the overweight youth of our time when loading the Carousel. I tore up a tree worth of tickets, and failed to recognise at least ten Australian celebrities, but that's about it. I'm not working there next year. Either Keenspace doesn't like me being an advertising whore for them, or something went wrong, but all of my Logs from before Sep 9th have mysteriously vanished. I have no record of how the site was doing before then, and I may have forgotten to do things because of it. To stop that from happening again, (other than keeping tabs on it from here on in), I've reconciled to be a lot more proactive in a few aspects. One, as always, is catering to my audience. The other is helping other webcomics get off the ground. A little advertising does go a long way, and not being a fan of spending money I don't have, I think the frank exchange of people's locales is in order. And before I lose my quickly atrophying train of thought - I'll just plug a few now, and more in the future. Anna: A new fledgling to the webcomic industry, and a buggy site design is the perfect reflection of talents in the other regions it takes to be a good webcomic. Funny, odd, and more than zany - it's a look on the slightly twisted and more than prevalent side of life a lot of normality ignores. Normal sucks. Otherwise why would you be reading MY comic? (Contains naughty bits - just so you don't blame me later). Lean On Me: Uhhh... not something I would normally find, but with a little help from my Log - you can always find a pearl in the rough. I should be more comfortable with role reversal than I actually am after many years of British comedy the likes of Monty Python and Red Dwarf, but non-the-less the comic more than peaked my interest. The schoolyard is where the development of moral fibres and coping mechanisms are cultivated and put to the test. It's definately a clever taste of what may be, and I do suggest, as with all the comics I shall mention, is worth a read. You owe it to yourself. "Where the men dressed as ladies?!" -Eric Idle Back to my former topic: On a lighter note; I've got a few good things going in the employment sector and this is a good thing. For the more money I earn, the more likely I'll be able to reinvest it in the website. Domains... webdesigners... I could go on, but salivating on the keyboard is slightly risky. In any event, I'll, as always, keep you posted. Sometimes, don't you just have the desire to have a well-known webcomic artist whipping you up a non-offensive, but personalised image for your enjoyment? A keepsake that just screams cl/ass? Then I suggest you go here poste haste! As I'm still in my mood of finality - I'll finish up drawing this week's arc, finish Master of Orion II in the next difficulty, finish my progression in Lemmings, and maybe even finish making breakfast. This is what happens when a rant becomes several of them. Sorry. Psilons rock. |
am plufim; hear me roar!"
This rant may contain trace elements of Connell. Oh yeah - and smut. Don't
forget smut. So, apparently I can rant about anything here. Well, I was considering talking about the apple I'm eating, or maybe Weird Al Yankovich, but instead, I thought I'd talk about something dear to my heart, gaming. NO, by gaming I don't mean playing cards or those silly plastic models you have pretend wars with, no I mean proper gaming: sprites, polygons, that sort of thing. Now first up: I'm a console gamer. Gamecube specifically. PC's are great and all, but I just don't like playing games on what is essentially a glorified typewriter. Nope, give me a game pad any day. Now, everyone knows how much of a bad wrap games get for being violent, and "obviously" causing little Jimmy to go and shoot his classmates (bad parenting for allowing a 11 year old to by GTA 3 has nothing to do with it obviously..). Well, prepare for a whole new spate of "current affairs" reports on video games, because BMX XXX is goning to introduce something else - nudity. Shock! Yes, in this game, you can customise the female characters so they are topless. Obviosuly, a grab at extra $$$ by Acclaim, but what concerns me is the negative repurcussions this will have on the industry. Bad press for starters, but if this sells well (and of course it will), then it'll start copy-cat games. Leaving even less games for people who don't want tits or blood in their games, and resulting in more bad press. There' a rumour that there will be a topless mode in the next Dead or Alive game already...... Not that I'm saying games shouldn't have any sexiness to them. But that can't be the ONLY reason to play a game - Dead or Alive 3, while containing criminally short skirts and a "bouce algorithm" that's confuse the smartest physisists, has an awesome fighting engine. And the game also has Kasumi and Ayane in it.... if only they we real.... Where was I? Umm... so Metroid Prime. Yeah. Starring Samus Aran, one of the coolest gaming babes. I doubt that Nintendo would use my suggested suit modification in the next game. Damn, I'm being near downright hypocritical now... So yeah, I do a comic. And this is me plugging my comic. Plug plug pluggity plug. Word. |
blancmange Copyright '02-'03 Chris Schlatter and Mark Stoffels. All Rights Reserved. Questions? Comments? Contact the Webmaster. |