blancmange |
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rant would go here..."
ADDENDUM: Muffin hands. Wouldn't it make sense that when I go to check my email, the damn thing is down? I went to retrieve the contest winner's rant, and my e-mail services were down. The comic is slightly late because I was busying myself with Riann's 18th birthday. Nothing is more important. |
II: attack of the lame"
Mark: I am happy to say that Star Wars: Epsiode 2 lived up to my expectations. Unfortunately, said expectation was for it to suck. What I loved about the original trilogy was that the plot was the action, and the action was the plot, if you understand me. In E2, non-action plot developement took up three quarters of the movie. I would not have minded this, but it was boring, lame, and irritating plot developement. If I had heard someone call Anakin "Annie" one more time I think I would have snapped. Someone tell the characters that "Annie" is a girls name. The original trilogy also focused on one element of the greater story, and realted everything else to it. It was the military struggle against the Empire. Unfortunately, E2 has no real focus. It tries to be too many things. It has elements of investigation, elements of romance, elements of politics and intrigue, and of course battle. Nothing serves as a base, however. I feel sorry for George Lucas. He is really trying hard to give the people a damn good new Star Wars film. Unfortunately, I believe that he was doomed to failure. And... I will stop now. My memory of the movie is blissfully fading. |
blancmange Copyright '02-'03 Chris Schlatter and Mark Stoffels. All Rights Reserved. Questions? Comments? Contact the Webmaster. |