












    << < - > >>
"destroy it one more time 'cause it's so good they built it twice"


UPDATE, Sunday 30th - 8:42pm:
Unbelievable. It's 8:42 again. Really. I'd take a screenshot if it really mattered, but it doesn't. So anyway, skitHOUSE just finished, so I thought I'd give you all the 4-1-1. I'm starting to really believe THIS scanner is stuffed as well. Can't believe it... Even after I thought that Trav and I sussed out the problem. Mostly Travis. Never mind. I suppose I'll just have to lend him the scanner to see if he can get it working, and use his scanner for tomorrow's comic.

Now, as to raise public awareness to my favourite band, because of my minor celebrity and narcicism, I will now supply the required links. Tripod are a comedy trio out of the mean streets of Melbourne. Originally buskers, they started to travel the comedy scene, and now hold a hour spot on JJJ, creating fantastic "songs in an hour", themes supplied by the morning crew, who add another element just fifteen minutes before it airs. Fantastic. Truly fantastic. MP3's of the recordings are suppled at the site, and most of the lyrics, and a few extras you can't find are here, care of Penny Wyatt. Most of the songs are public domain, and check the ones that aren't against their CDs/Video Cassettes.

One last thing: because I've been such a bad monkey, I'll allow people to air their grievances against me, through ICQ. I'm wary to do this, but penance is penance, right? OK. My number is 8319113. I'm always on Invisible, so just message me, and I should reply if on.

UPDATE: 8:42pm:
*exasperated sigh* OK people... I've learnt my lesson. Never try to make anything better. A simple few % performance increase isn't worth this many grey hairs. I'm yet to get the scanner working yet. I don't know if it's a driver problem, or a power problem, or a firmware problem, etc, etc. I just don't know. I'll have to liase with Trav again to get things sorted, if I can. If worse comes to worse, Trav has a scanner... if you could call it that.

Addendum; Post-TFM LAN IV
Old; Goodbye HDDs...

Before I start, below my rant is another Aaron one. Enjoy.

Wow... so much to bitch about, so little space. Just dumped all of that crap in some other pages to free some space for a few more things.

This week's poll is up. Just a little mindless fun. And educational! Well... maybe not, but I had to try...

For one, it seems my little gripe with the e-mails only served to exponentially increase the garbage that you all decided I deserved. How mature of you.

Let me just say I told you so to all of those poor schmoes that went to watch DareDevil. Cashing in on a franchise only happens when people are stupid. Stop being stupid... OK?

OK: as a link of the moment kind of thing, I suggest that some of the more technically minded have a go of some of the stuff here. Let the 'dirty' side of the Force tempt you.

I haven't much on my plate other than keeping the houeshold going while Dad's in Finland (poor bastard) so I will get the comic up to scratch update-wise. That also includes visiting Mark to brainstorm, and visiting Trav to whack him with a ruler while he codes.

I celebrated Australia's victory in the One Day International (Cricket) Final in South Africa. I hope all those Indian children that were celebrating are now weeping in corners. Little brats. Oh, and Ricky Ponting's 140 off 121 was just beautiful to watch. Well worth the lost hours of sleep.

Oh, and as for all of the sleep deprived comments I made about 'certain webcomic artists,' I meant it all. I'd tell you all who, but I don't need to lose any more readers... just kidding. I know no one reads it.

Just to let you all know now, I celebrate my 20th birthday mid April. Feel free to send in some guest strips as a gift for the most inane webcomic artist livinginClovellyPark. Anything depraved or insulting is good. It lets me know you care enough not to care.

"don't rape our rock"


I start now. Ahem.

There seems to be an alarming trend in talentless artists of stealing the work of talented artists. Sometimes they call it a 'cover', sometimes they call it a 'remix', but the true name for it is 'rape' or 'violation'. One of the examples that first brought this insidious trend to my attention was Britney Spears' cover of 'I Love Rock and Roll'. Let us first cover the obvious points. Point the first. Britney manufactures bad music. Point two. Britney's music is not rock. Maybe she thinks it is, and should thus have her head checked. But really, it's not. Her singing any song that suggests she has anything to do with rock and/or roll is just WRONG. In particular, her sodomising Joan Jett's CLASSIC 'I Love Rock and Roll' is simply unforgivable. 5ive already brutalised it when they stole the main riff of it and inserted it into their song, why can't these talentless popstars just leave the song alone?

My second example is Scooter's rendition of 'The Logical Song'. Scooter didn't even give the rape of this song the half arsed effort that Britney gave to 'I Love Rock and Roll'. Britney at least exerted her vocal chords a little, all Scooter did was take samples and speed them up. Shame on them.

My last example (although there are many, many more that I could talk about) is Eminem. Eminem, as you will know if you have been living on the outside of the Earth's crust, is a rapper. Rap is, by definition, crap. Rappers don't sing, as I'm sure you've noticed, and Eminem has evidently attempted to compensate for his lack of vocal talent by stealing samples from other people. First he stole 'Thank You' by Dido, which didn't really bother me too much as I hadn't really heard of her, but I recently noticed that he's trying to sell one of his albums by playing Aerosmith's 'Dream on' during the TV ad of his album. Sooooo.... evidently Eminem sees there's something wrong with his music that must be compensated for by playing good music instead of his own, but he doesn't fully get the idea that if these songs already exist, people don't really need to buy an album of crap to get one song that contains some good bits. Maybe he's taken too many drugs to figure this out. Anyway....

These are only three examples. There are of course many untalented parasites who have been leeching off of talented artists, for example I recently heard a remic of INXS's 'Never Tear us Apart' which almost brought me to tears. Just because Michael Hutchence has passed on doesn't mean you can go piss on his grave, dammit!

Once again, if you're a struggling talentless artist, please don't rape our rock. Thank you

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